Using the Telegram channel you will access a superfast, simple and free plataform used for more than 62 millions of people around the world through any mobile device. Telegram is a service based on instantaneous messages cloud – similar to WhatsApp and WeChat – focused in velocity, opening, and security. It is a open source and encrypted end-to-end app, what means that all sent and received data via telegram cannot be decipher when intercepted by the ISP, networking manager or third parties.

Why telegram?

Exists 5 important reasons that make Telegram our first choice to messages based on the cloud:

  1. Differently, of the most chat apps based on cloud, Telegram provides an open API that stimulates the integration and development.
  2. The telegram values of opening and security accord with our values, allowing us to provide an encrypted channel for organizations to share information.
  3. It is totally free.
  4. Telegram allow you to send until 30 messages per second – the same tax that a shortcode allows without a cost.
  5. Telegram provides a web app; a desktop version to Mac, Windows e Linux; and mobile apps to iOS and Android devices. It can be used at any place with an available internet connection.

How does it work?

Your Telegram channel will be represented by a bot. Telegram Bots are special accounts that will work as an interface for the flows and messages that will be sent by IlhaPush. Bots differ from the standard accounts because they:

  1. Don’t have online status or the last message seen, the interface shows the label ‘bot’.
  2. The usernames always finish in ‘bot’ (for example,@YouNameBot, @YorName_bot).
  3. Act as a simple interface for a Telegram API.

So similar with the ilhapush, the telegram bots allow to create personalized tools that provide warnings, forecast, translations, and different services.

Broadcast Message

Normally the Telegram does not provide a method to send broadcast messages or notifications. A bot did not connect to the Plataform can not start conversations with new users. A new user should add them to a group or send a message, they can use the link, or search the user name to find your bot. But, when a bot is connected to your account, your telegram contacts will become contacts on the plataform, this allows you to boost our diffusion functionality to start conversations and send notifications easily.

How to add a Telegram Channel?

  1. Go to your account.

  1. Click on the gear icon and after that click on “Add Channel”
  2. Select the Telegram channel that is located on the social networking list.

  1. Will be solicited an authentication token that will be generated as you do the Telegram registration. To do this access your Telegram account and search for @Botfather.

  1. You need to answer some questions to create the Bot:
  • The bot name, e.g.: Platform
  • The bot name finishing with bot, e.g.: Platform_bot 2.1 Obs. : The bot name cannot have more than 16 characters
  • So, the token will be sent.

  1. Copy the generated Token and paste on the Authentication Token field on the platform, after that click on the Connect Telegram Bot.

At this moment your bot is working.

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