09.04-Date and Time Values
The platform emulates almost all operators available in the Excel for date and time...
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Updated August 3, 2021
The platform emulates almost all operators available in the Excel for date and time.
For example, to add 7 days to a date, you just need to sum 7 to the actual data.
- See you next week on @(date.today + 7)
To remember a passed date you just need subtract the days.
- Last week was @(date.today – 7)
To add or subtract months use the expression EDATE.
- The next meeting will be @(EDATE(date.today, 1))
To alter the date and time value, add or subtract the function TIME result, for example.
- 2 hours and 30 minutes from now will be @(date.now + TIME (2, 30, 0))