The expressions syntax are modeled as they are used in Microsoft Excel™ formula, although all expressions start with “@” symbol. When written, the symbol “@” will unleash a conclusion dialog box that lists the functions.

Simple Syntax

Are used to call unique values, for example:

  • Hello @contact, have you accessed the, is it right?

The expression also can be called functional, for example:

  • Hello @(UPPER(contact.first_name))

Functional names do not differ the Upper and Lower case. On the example below, using UPPER will return the contact name in the Upper Case. The platform recognizes a lot of Excel functions.

Advanced Syntax

Are used to build more complex expressions using a syntax similar with Excel formula, for example:

  • Hello @(PROPER(contact), Are you @(YEAR(NOW())) – flow.year_born) years old? Is it right?

Expressions also can include a arithmetic calc with:

  • Sum (+);
  • Subtraction (-)
  • Multiplication (*)
  • Division (/)
  • Exponential (^).

The result is @(1 + (1-3) * 4 / 5ˆ6).

Notice that, the expression is between parenthesis to say to the platform where the expression finishes.

You can also use concatenation operators (join) (&), por exemplo: Hello @(contact.first_name & ” ” & contact.last_name).

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