05.04-Dynamic Groups
Resulting consults groups are called dynamics groups. Dynamic groups are the only ones that still have contacts added automatically if the contacts correspond to the consult...
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Updated August 3, 2021
Resulting consults groups are called dynamics groups. Dynamic groups are the only ones that still have contacts added automatically if the contacts correspond to the consult.
Creating a Dynamic Group
1.When you insert a consult, the platform will return the contacts groups resulted.
2.You can save this new group clicking on “Save as a Group” button, located under the search bar.
Consult is what you will operate in all contacts fields presents in your account. Notice that, the fields and values are not case sensitive (they don’t differ upper and lower case) in the consult.
On the consult above referenced to a contact field named “age” and using the operators “more or equals to” “> =” and “minus or equals to” ‘<=’ to specify the contacts wanted characteristics that you are looking for. Notice that, the contacts field containing two or more words, the spaces need to be replaced for underline, for example, id_number = 409328.
You can use ‘OR’ to combine two or more contacts field value, and ‘AND’ to filter contacts field. For example, (City = “Maceió” or city = “Aracaju”) return just the contacts with “Maceió” or “Aracaju” on the ‘City’ field, and (City = “Maceió” and gender = “male”) return just the contacts with “Maceió” on the field ‘City’ and “male” on the field “Gender”.
Types of field
The text values containing various words should be written between quotation marks, for example, city = “São Paulo”, while operators like “> =” only work with numerical or date/time values.