The contacts importation allows you to add an entire groups to the platform using a simple XLS (MS Excel) spreadsheet. The contacts will be placed in a new contact group that corresponds to a spreadsheet imported name. Notice that, you should connect a channel to your account to import contacts.

To import contacts, import an XLS spreadsheet containing:

  • Address´s column corresponds to each address contacts and can contain (the number columns contains the phone number using the E164 format, and/or a Telegram column containing the Telegram identification, and/or a Twitter column for each contact, and/or email column). When imported, the Ilhapush will show the contacts phone number without the country code.
  • The name´s column contains the first name and the surname of each contact.
  • (Conditional) A UUID column contains the identification universally exclusive for each contact that you want to import. This column can replace the name column, it is necessary to import a spreadsheet with the intention to add a new address or kind of address.
  • (Optional) The language column represents the main language containing ISO 639-2 standard nomenclature to classify the included languages.
  • (Optional) Any added column number corresponds to a personalized attribute* (contacts field) containing the contacts value fields. Observe the column names are limited to 36 characters and don’t support special characters.

Observe that, when you want to import a date value to Ilhapush but without a time value, the Ilhapush will atributte a 00:00 time value.Although, to add manually just a data value to each contact field, the Ilhapush will replace the correspondent time value with the time moment that you actualized the field.

To import contacts:

  1. Go to Contacts;

  1. Click on “Import Contacts” button;

  1. Download and edit the provided model (or you can choose your file) and send using the button “Choose a file”;

  1. Confirm all personalized fields presents on your importation spreadsheet and choose the type of the field: Text, Number, Date/Time. Certify to verify the box(s) correspondents to the field that you want to import.

Importing types of addresses:

The contacts can be imported with different addresses, but just one address for each type:

  • The contacts addresses can be added through an importation if the UUID column contains contacts UUID(s). The UUIDs can be obtained through a contacts exportation or using a contacts list on the API Explorator:
  • Exported contacts contained the UUIDs for their contacts, names, addresses and personalized fields. To exports, your contacts, go to Contacts guide, go to configure menu icon and select “Export”.

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